Thursday, 31 July 2014


Design Tips

Easy-to-use Web sites don't just suddenly create themselves over-night. You must focus on its potential users from the start, and checking at each step of the development with its intended users to be sure they will like and be comfortable with the final design.


Create a Clear Visual Hierarchy

Organize and prioritize the page contents by using size, prominence and content relationships.
  • Size: The more important a headline is, the larger its font size should be. This is often referred to at the H1. Big bold headlines help to grab the user's attention as they scan the Web page for information.
  • Prominence: The more important the headline or content, the closer to the top of the page it should be placed. The most important or popular content should always be positioned prominently near the top of the page, so users can view it without having to scroll too far down the web page.
  • Content Relationships: Group similar content types by displaying the content in a similar visual style, or in a clearly defined area so users become familiar of what to look for. 

Break Up Pages into Defined Areas

Recent studies have shown that Internet users decide which part of a page are most likely to be of interest to them and ignore the rest.
Experience tells us where advertising banners and buttons are usually positioned on a Web page and we have learned to ignore those parts of the page as though they do not exist.
It is not recommend to include hidden advertisements with content. This may seem like a clever marketing ploy, and it does improve click though rates however users will get frustrated if they constantly end up on an advertiser's Web site, when they thought a link leads to more free information.


Use Standard Conventions

It’s always best to try following standard conventions. A convention that has been developed on the Internet over time is having the navigation bar at the top or left side of the page.
It does make more sense to have the main navigational hyperlinks on the right side of the page next to the scroll bar. This way, we wouldn't have to play tennis with our mouse. However, somebody had the bright idea of adding the main navigation links to the left side of the page and then other Web site designers had an even brighter idea of copying it! If you tried to change this convention by placing the main navigational links anywhere else, it could easily confuse most users and look wrong.
Other standard Internet conventions include:
  • Blue underlined hyperlinks
  • Breadcrumb trails
  • Bottom of page navigation text links

For more information on web design Melbourne and online marketing, get in touch with Whiteblack Digital on 1300 559 971 or

Take Great Care Of Your Vehicle

In April 2014, a report published by IBIS World (Car Wash & Auto Detailing in the US: Market Research Report) revealed the revenue of the auto detailing industry in the United States to be worth over $9 billion! It is quite clear from this report that car detailing is anything but your regular soap wash.
Let us briefly survey the steps a rigorous process of car detailing does require:
(1) The first step includes taking out the upholstery, mats, etc from the interior and thorough vacuuming of every available inch. Each of the items taken out must be cleaned separately. Carpets and upholstery, particularly costlier ones will require special treatments.
(2) Removal of holes and blemishes of mats and carpets are part of the process. All items are dried completely before restoration. Otherwise damp articles become happy hunting grounds for fungi. A non–slip dressing is put in place under the brake / accelerator pedal for obvious reasons. The dashboard undergoes cleaning using compressed air and special types of brushes.
The same applies for air ventilators, which are cleaned with microfiber cloth and then polished gently to give a shiny look.
(3) Shampooing off the nylon products is done. Special care is taken to clean the glasses, particularly the tinted ones, to avoid scratches.
(4) Cleaning up the exterior is as much a meticulous process as the interior. Parts like wheel rims, tire and other non-metallic components are sanitized multiple times before polishing off with various specially formulated liquids.
If you are have preference for a matte over a glossy look or vice versa you will have to select your polishing materials and methods of polishing the surfaces accordingly. Electronic components are wrapped into waterproof sheets of paper as per necessity.
(5) If you care for your car paints then you must use car wash soaps and leave alone the regular detergents or shampoos during car detailing. Do not let the soap air dry, instead, clean with chamois or very soft cloth to avoid any bubble mark. At this stage removing the previous wax, polishing and removing the polish before reapplying of the protective wax needs to be done.
The whole process of car detailing is rounded off with buffing the engine. It goes without saying that following a careful process of car detailing extends the longevity of your vehicle. Experts recommend the process to be followed three to four times a year. Remember, driving a gleaming car around makes you feel great!
If you are after great mobile car detailing Melbournecar detailing or car detailing Melbourne, then be sure to get in touch with F1 Car Detailing on 1300 132 750. 

Sunday, 27 July 2014


Usability is often defined as ‘a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use.’ There are certain best web design practices that promote ease of use, an excellent retention rate and high end-user satisfaction. Below are five tips to help you with better usability on your website:.Intuitive navigation
There are certain design principles that every designer will follow no matter which company or industry their client is from. Navigation learned behaviour – users want to move from website to website seamlessly and find the information they require very quickly and easily. It is best practice that users only ever have to navigate three levels to find the information they require.

Easy to read content

Writing for the web is different to print media. Generally, people often have more time to read a magazine or a book than view websites. Website content and copy needs to be concise, use plain English and the active voice. Writing for the web best practices to increase readability on a website includes:
  • Use of headings.
  • Small paragraphs (ideally one idea per paragraph).
  • Bullet points
  • Writing text in pyramid style (from most important copy to least important).
  • Excellent use of white space and visuals to break up text and make it easier to read.
  • Internal linking to direct visitors to other pages for more information.
  • Using visual information such as a flowchart.

Better quality images

Clear and large images are another way to facilitate usability on your website. A great example is a hotel website may display images of the hotel rooms, the facilities, the foyer and the location. A big part of booking a hotel room is the use of visual imagery to tell a story about a hotel in images as well as words. It is common to add an image gallery to a website.

Good use of white space

When it comes to white space less is definitely more. The use of whitespace often gives your website harmony and allows your visitors to absorb the contents on the page. Depending on the design aesthetic you are trying to achieve and the target market, the use of white space can also add a certain sophistication and elegance to your website.

Faster loader times

Google has long recognised that a faster loading time promotes usability on a website. Google has introduced page speed (how quickly a website responds to web requests) as a new signal in their search ranking algorithms. The Search Engine has done research on page speed and their findings show that when a site responds slowly, visitors spend less time on the site. There are plenty of ways to increase your site speed such as optimising image sizes.
For more information on web design Melbourne and online marketing, get in touch with Whiteblack Digital on 1300 559 971 or

Thursday, 24 July 2014


One of the keys to success in any business is knowing who your customers are and how to position your products or services so that they are of interest to them. Fans of the TV show starring Donald Trump - The Apprentice - will recall the product development episode where each team conducts a series of focus groups to find out what their potential clients are looking for.
Focus groups such as ‘user testing’ helps you identify new ways to package your product or service so that it's of interest to your clients and potential clients. They are also a great way of testing your product or service, marketing messages and unique-selling-proposition within a safe group of people representative of your client groups.
When designing your website, knowing your clients and what the unique selling propositions are that will help them make informed purchasing decisions is going to be crucial to the success of your website.  Most businesses find that in identifying their clients they can group them together by interest, location, type, demographic, purchases, age or gender and then target their marketing messages towards these different groups thus increasing their conversion ratios and sales.
When we are working with a client on their website or web design our first questions are always around their clients and what they are looking for. We will often help identify different personas, or types of client, that we can build user stories around as this helps us to design a website that meets the users needs. It also helps us to better understand crucial areas of a website which can have multiple marketing messages and how best to present them so as to maximise the return.
Understanding our clients customers helps us to design the best user journey through the website and ensuring that we're making it as easy as possible for them to make en enquiry, a purchase or download a PDF.

 Be the best at one thing, rather than average at many

It's very easy to get caught into the trap of trying to offer something for everyone. The reality of this strategy is that at best, you will most likely only be average at everything and offer your clients very little in terms of quality. A far better strategy is to use your client research to identify what you are really great at and how best to present this to your clients.
For more information on web design Melbourne, SEO, online marketing, get in touch with Whiteblack Digital on 1300 559 971 or

Monday, 14 July 2014

How To Choose A Good Plumber

In our homes and work places, things go wrong and as a result there might be some breakages and wearing out of pipes in our bathrooms toilets and even kitchens. Whenever this happens, you surely know that it’s the right time to hire a plumber to fix the damage. Not everyone has personal plumbers or knows how to fix the pipes therefore searching for a good plumber to take care of the mess is called for. 
Getting a good plumber who has your interests at heart can be a very hard task, especially if it is your first time. New home owners in a new neighborhood also find it difficult, however you can always find the best one, out of thousand to do the fixing for you. A good plumber should be able to demonstrate their skills and experience for you to be convinced to hire them. The last thing that you want is to have your taps and pipes leaking again after a shoddy service. Therefore it is very important for any home owner to select wisely a good plumber according to their service and experience.
There are many avenues of getting good plumbers. One of them is the internet. Carrying out an internet search can save you time, money and energy. This is because you only have to use your computer and internet. You can narrow down the search to your area of residence to avoid getting millions of plumbers around the world. Then you can always find one that passes your criteria. Also you can take a walk and look for one around your neighborhood, or better still, ask your neighbors and friends for one who is most reliable.
Before you rest at one, there are several factors that you have to consider, such as the level of training they have in this field. Questioning their levels of training will help you settle for the most suitable and professional one. Obviously a well-trained plumber has adequate knowledge in fixing the pipes than a novice one.
Question their legitimacy. Some plumbers cannot be trusted once they are into your house. Some of them may easily turn to become petty thieves thus you should ask them for a card from their company and if necessary make calls to the company to verify that they are indeed the right ones sent. This will make them and their company accountable for any loss of property while they were working at your place.
If you have an issue with a blocked drainblocked drain Sydney or hot water system Sydney, then you need a 24 hour plumber Sydney or an emergency plumber Sydney to service you. You might also reach out to a gas plumber Sydney to help you. Its important that you have a plumber Sydneyplumbers SydneyPlumbing Sydney or Sydney Plumber you can trust – Mr. Plumber Sydney