One of the keys to success in any business is knowing who your customers are and how to position your products or services so that they are of interest to them. Fans of the TV show starring Donald Trump - The Apprentice - will recall the product development episode where each team conducts a series of focus groups to find out what their potential clients are looking for.
Focus groups such as ‘user testing’ helps you identify new ways to package your product or service so that it's of interest to your clients and potential clients. They are also a great way of testing your product or service, marketing messages and unique-selling-proposition within a safe group of people representative of your client groups.
When designing your website, knowing your clients and what the unique selling propositions are that will help them make informed purchasing decisions is going to be crucial to the success of your website. Most businesses find that in identifying their clients they can group them together by interest, location, type, demographic, purchases, age or gender and then target their marketing messages towards these different groups thus increasing their conversion ratios and sales.
When we are working with a client on their website or web design our first questions are always around their clients and what they are looking for. We will often help identify different personas, or types of client, that we can build user stories around as this helps us to design a website that meets the users needs. It also helps us to better understand crucial areas of a website which can have multiple marketing messages and how best to present them so as to maximise the return.
Understanding our clients customers helps us to design the best user journey through the website and ensuring that we're making it as easy as possible for them to make en enquiry, a purchase or download a PDF.
Be the best at one thing, rather than average at many
It's very easy to get caught into the trap of trying to offer something for everyone. The reality of this strategy is that at best, you will most likely only be average at everything and offer your clients very little in terms of quality. A far better strategy is to use your client research to identify what you are really great at and how best to present this to your clients.
For more information on web design Melbourne, SEO, online marketing, get in touch with Whiteblack Digital on 1300 559 971 or